I Need Help Consolidating My Payday Loans

Not a day goes by that I don’t get an email or phone call from people literally freaking out over the crushing debt they got into thinking a payday loan would solve there immediate financial problem. Not realizing that it’s not the original loan that is hard to pay off it’s the outrageous interest and … Read more

Companies That Consolidate Payday Loan Debt

There is no doubt you have a ton of companies that provide consolidation for your payday loans. But you have to be careful – many companies offering consolidation as a solution can get you into more financial trouble using their so-called consolidation service then you were in before using them. So how can you tell … Read more

A Case Study Of Payday Loans

Well here’s a big surprise a case study at Credit.com confirms that Payday Loans are a better option than Late Fees, Disconnection Fees, Overdraft or Overdraft Protections Fees. REALLY!! This is ONLY true if the person that is taking out the payday loan can pay back the loan in full by their next paycheck. But guess what? … Read more

The Statistics Are Scary

The Center for Responsible Lending (CRL) calls it “Modern Day Usury: The Payday Loan Trap.” I’m going to share with you some frightening stats regarding the payday loan industry so you can better understand why we at end payday loan debt are in this fight for you. – In July 2009 it was reported the … Read more