Payday Loan Companies Are Making Billions Off The Poor

I’ts know fact in the business world that you can make a ton of money from the poorest communities and payday loan companies know this all to well.

Take a drive through your cities poorer communities and it is littered with pawn shops and payday loan shops.

You see people in these communities have little to no options when a financial crisis pops up – and the payday loan companies take full advantage of that.

That’s why they charge this crazy high annual interest rates – I was just in a payday loan company and their annual interest rate was 513% – are you fricken kidding me.

So that works out to $23 per $100 borrowed – and that’s for only 14 days – legalized loan sharking is all it is.

What About The Banks?

Even the banks are pulling out of poorer communities because they are not going to lend money to people that have little chance of paying it back – even if it is at a higher interest rate.

But the banks have not really left many of them are investing millions into thee payday loan companies – pretty smart they can still keep their good guy image while raking in million undetected.

Did you know that over 19 million people per year get a payday loan which translates into over 7 billion dollars earned by these payday loan companies on fees and interest.

And what’s worse is more then 1/3rd of these 19 million people on average get between 10 and 15 loans per year – and it’s not that they want to they have to because they get trapped in the payday loan cycle which is very hard to get out of – IF you don’t know where to turn.

Where Can You Turn?

Turn to us – we are the good guys – we are here to get you out of your payday loan debt – we are here fighting the payday loan companies each and every day – and we will not stop until these companies come under more restrictions and government regulation.

Yes this is a service that obviously is needed but there is no way people should be taken advantage of the way they are. These companies can still make a profit but not at the expense of their clients.

If you are caught in the payday loan trap call right now at 1-877-280-5100 – we can start getting you out of your payday loan debt in as little as 2 hours!!

Or if you prefer you can use our free online quote forum



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